Artificial intelligence concocted the birth of machine learning in the 60s. It kicked off as a sub discipline that is characterized by computers learning using the data as a basis.

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The 90s brought about the separation of machine learning from artificial intelligence. Thus, he began to take his own steps to detach himself from the discipline that saw him born. Today we conceive machine learning as a collaborative process between the machine and the human being, so that the former can learn as the latter does.

Precisely, this is the use of algorithms: a sequence of instructions that can provide relevant findings or conclusions without the human being having to write code for it. In this way, a computer is capable of executing both general and specific tasks.

What was once science fiction today is a reality: machines that replicate human reasoning abilities to perform tasks. We are faced with robots that not only limit themselves to filtering emails, but can also detect cancer or define compatibility between two people.

Artificial intelligence, key in digital marketing

Artificial intelligence is introduced in our day to day. And, by extension, machine learning is at ease among us. How can you apply it to your digital marketing strategy? What are the marketing tasks that a machine can do for you?

Marketing and advertising professionals embrace this new trend. Why and for what? It allows them to segment customers, empowers them to extract and classify relevant content, improves communication with their target audience and facilitates the generation of brand advertising material, among other tasks.

How does a robot learn?

Before we dive into the applications of machine learning to digital marketing, we will take a walk through the types of learning with which a machine can surprise us.

Machine learning uses two methods to instruct a robot: the supervised and the unsupervised.

Imagine that the student is a computer. When you monitor your learning, the machine is able to classify objects, problems or situations based on previously entered data.

You, as a teacher, provide the student with data such as characteristics, patterns, dimensions, color and height of objects, people or situations systematically. In this way, your apprentice (the machine) can make precise classifications.

Meanwhile, in unsupervised learning, you do not provide prior information and the machine is able to classify both tangible and intangible objects. The idea behind this teaching model is to expose the robot to a large volume of varied data allowing it to infer and learn from them.

Quality content and segmented

With the arrival of machine learning to the marketing departments, not only will it be enough to create relevant, quality and warm content, but you must address an audience divided into niches or segments.

Google, whose algorithm is updated periodically, will take into account the tastes and interests of the person conducting a search. The giant search engine will introduce machine learning to refine search results.

This fact means that it will be more important than ever to generate quality content that focuses on what the target customer is looking for.

What happens with content curation?

Machine learning will not only generate content, but it will also be able to cure them. The resulting content will allow you to better connect with the visitors of a certain web page and show them more relevant content.

This technique is usually used to make personalized content recommendations. Imagine that the regulars of your blog show you more prominent publications based on the articles and topics they have previously consulted. Great, right? Since your readers will spend more time in your virtual space.

SEO onpage goes to the background

Thanks to the advance of machine learning algorithms, traditional SEO will decrease in importance.

In this way, title tags, meta descriptions, URLs and alternative texts will play their roles, but not in the degree to which they did so. They will not be factors that determine the triumph of SEO.

What is the future of organic links?

Like traditional optimization, organic links will be less relevant. In this sense, Google will become an intelligent search engine. He will be able to discern the optimal organic links from the manipulated.

It will refine your machine learning techniques so much that you will learn to analyze whether a link is properly placed within a context and user behavior once they click on the link.

If Google detects that it has a high bounce rate, it will realize that the link has a zero value and will not place it on its results page.

Technical SEO will no longer be so technical

The gradual implementation of automation in learning will make technique and experience less important for SEO.

In this way, the site map files, robots.txt and scripts will be configured and corrected by the machine.

For example, a button. Today Google Search Console notifies web page owners of errors on their sites. However, the near future predicts that it will be able to correct those errors on the ground.

Do not worry, technical SEO will not be obsolete. Google will need help from you: that you configure your website’s propositions as structured data and optimization for voice search devices.

The golden age of pay per click

And so we reach the golden age of the PPC ( Pay Per Click ). Paid advertising has never been seen in such a position: it will be able to materialize its success provided that the marketing specialists better understand the behavior of the users and make campaigns that adapt to this reality.

How will email marketing be automated?

The lesson that machines will give us in the era of machine learning is that you can perform email marketing optimizing many of its aspects.

In what areas? From content to frequency through shipping times. Likewise, it is also desirable that you be able to maximize your interactions and conversions.

Through machine learning techniques and in an ideal framework, you can guess the content and offer that, most likely, will lead a customer to convert. This is combined with the best time of day and the periodicity with which a better interaction is more likely.

People are not prepared or trained to develop this degree of constant learning and individual optimization of campaigns at this frantic pace.

What does this fact imply? Marketing professionals will leave these tasks in the hands of the machines to focus on thinking more strategically.

Search engines that experience as the human being

The user experience (UX) will continue its escalation in importance. Thus, Google will use a satisfactory experience of the person to position the websites in the search engine results.

The click-through rate and participation are undoubtedly key factors in determining that a page has lived up to user expectations. The search engine giant will take advantage of these factors to polish its algorithm.

So much so, that there will come a time when I get to experience the pages as a human being would. Through machine learning methods, Google will reach a point where you can estimate user experience and sort pages accordingly.

What will you learn?

The time has come when the apprentice becomes an avid teacher. Machine learning will be outlined as a starter for marketing professionals and SEO to rethink their roles. Machine learning will then cease to learn to teach their students how it works.

This is a key moment in which SEO professionals believe that their role and objectives will have to evolve in the coming years. And, thus, discover how to act to adapt to the new realities of organic search.

An appropriate time for you to cultivate in machine learning, its applications and tools. We not only talk about the free tools offered by Google, but also about the specialized instruments that incorporate artificial intelligence algorithms.

Machine learning, a giant leap

Based on robotics and neurosciences, machine learning is taking a place in digital marketing. And how! We urge you, as an apprentice, to follow in his wake.

It is clear that machine learning and artificial intelligence do not come to replace marketing professionals. They come to unlock their true strategic and creative potential. Advertisers and marketers must adapt and join the new technological wave.

Therefore, the fact that a computer is able to work and make decisions in the field of digital marketing is a great step that will not leave professionals behind. These will have time to define strategies, create and learn more and better.

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